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BROM BelCal® - Information

BROM-Service * Inh. Manfred Bräuer * Neugasse 10 * 02625 Bautzen
Phone: 03591 531654 * Fax: 03591 531655 * Mail: team(at)brom-belcal(dot)de
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Add ons for BROM BelCal®
You can download additional modules for BROM BelCal® here. Some modules are included in the general-download-file if version is the same. Other modules or updates can be downloaded seperatly here. How to install this modules see the file install.txt (only german) or the Dokumentation (only germen).
We would like to point out that the modules offered here are only work with the BROM BelCal® main system and are not compatible with other systems!

Certain downloads are only available to selected registered users.

All extensions of the current version here are compatible for PHP 8.2.x in conjunction with the main system from version 4.100.
Add ons for BROM BelCal® >> Funktions to include in templates or with PHP code module
ZIP RSSFeed blogger Version: 1.51
md5-Code: c6fa7db5934623ae0607fa01880ce1e6
Languages: Deutsch, English, François, Italiano, Nederlands, Český, Serbsce
Published by: niko
Last modified: 14.09.2023 at 17:49

With this additional feature can be displayed RSS feeds of other websites. The integration can take place in the index.php from the template or with the PHP code module.

Description of involvement:
Function call is:
1. URL.............the url to the external xml file (this is required!)
2. MAX_ITEMS.......maximal items to show => default is 5
3. OUTPUT_OPTIONS..Settings for output options, combination by adding the values:
                    1 = Display title of external page (this is set as default)
                    2 = Display url of external page-url
                    4 = Set link of external page-url*) 
                    8 = Display the category of rss items
                   16 = Display the public date of rss items
                   32 = Returned result only otherwise is it output (default is output)

*) This setting has effect only if title or url is displayed.

BelCal® Version 4.247 or higher and PHP version 5.x with the simplexml_load_file function is required!

Type: ZIP
Size: 3.64 KB


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*) Modules with this symbol are already included in the base download file if the version number is less than or the same as the base download file.

Last change 06.07.2024