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Changes since the publication of BROM BelCal® 3.1
<< changes in Versions 3.2x changes in Versions 3.0x >>
Date Version Bugs Description or bug fixes
2011/09/13 3.19a #9931902 The update from a version smaller then 2.8 to 3.19 does not work.
2011/09/10 3.19a #9931901 When sending out newsletters sometimes get an error message.
2011/09/02 3.19   A new syntax editor has been added for modify templates. Under options / advanced settings can choose between Codepress (old editor) and EditArea or none.*
2011/08/30 3.19 #9931709 Now the section id is also displayed when modifying contents.
2011/08/28 3.19   The WYSIWYG editor (FCKeditor) can now be set in the options / advanced settings just to start with source code.*
2011/08/23 3.19 #9931803 Multi-lingual field labels changed during the form section are not stored.
2011/08/19 3.18   The e-mail body of forms can be configured with own texts and placeholders. Placeholders are [DEFAULT_HEAD] for the default headline from language file, [SENDED_FORM] for the fields of request and for fields from address [ADR_TITLE], [ADR_NAME] and [ADR_PRENAME].
2011/08/18 3.18 #9931709 Some bugs in the admin tool for edit languages.*
  3.18 #9931708 If an address is modified from a user without permission for change email, the email will saved blank.
2011/08/16 3.18 #9931707 The sending of newsletters does not work.
2011/08/15 3.18 #9931706 The duration is not display correctly in the list of user logins.
2011/08/10 3.18 #9931705 Sometimes the direct link that was sended by e-mail opens the default page of the administration.
  3.18 #9931704 The change of language does not work in certain situations.
2011/08/07 3.18 #9931703 The city is not displayed in frontend forms if user is logged in.
2011/07/27 3.18 #9931701 Error message in the admin tool for log the user logins.*
2011/07/26 3.18 #9931701 The sorbian language from forms displays an error message.
2011/07/23 3.17   Now the texts for site title, header and footer can be modified for all installed languages differently.
2011/07/18 3.17 #9931601 If a language is added to object, the setting for displaying be reset to large flags.
2011/07/09 3.17   Now the system has different Admin-Tools. Any type of system tools can not be uninstalled from the system.
  3.17   An new admin tool "User logins" was created. This tool allow to display the list of logins and to remove user sessions.*
2011/06/28 3.16 #9931504 If a user is deleted, it will not delete the assignment of address. So that some wrong addresses are displaying in the user management.*
2011/06/19 3.16 #9931502 Error message when calling the tool for editing the languages.*
2011/06/14 3.16 #9931501 If a guest has access with login box and the redirect url is the current object it becomes an error.*
2011/06/03 3.15   The list of admin tools is now displayed with icons if they are available.*
2011/05/27 3.15   Automatic consideration of summer time was introduced. This setting is dependent on the server.
  3.15   Now in the object list are also the object title is displayed.
2011/05/23 3.15 #9931403 If no keywords are entered under Options, an error appears when adding objects.
2011/05/20 3.15 #9931401 If a new user is added the e-mail does not stored to table of addresses.
2011/05/06 3.14   In the drop-down lists (delete / details) of add-ons are now displayed the installed versions.
  3.14   When adding a new object are now done entries for description and keywords as an example.
2011/04/28 3.14 #9931303 When editing the languages of a WYSIWYG section is not available the correct template in the WYSIWYG editor.
2011/04/16 3.14   The form field type "short text" now can be displayed as a short field. For this, the size must be less than 15.
2011/04/09 3.14 #9931301 In the options an admin template is displayed, that does not exist.
2011/04/08 3.13   Now can be enabled a field for a newsletter in the options of form. If a visitor selects this field, can be send current ofers to those addresses from the address management.
2011/04/05 3.13 #9931206 The e-mail address is not automatically saved from the front-end form in the addresses if it is required.
  3.13   Now, even a single day can be blocked without considering the limits of the calendar. It is not possible of arrival on that day, but departure is not blocked.
  3.13   The admin tool for managing media has been improved for uploading more file types.*
2011/03/28 3.13 #9931203 A registered user receives an erroneous entry for name in their own settings displayed.*
  3.13 #9931201 In the address management may be entered no e-mail address, if an empty entry has been saved before.
2011/03/22 3.12   The module iWrapper has been improved for inserting Flash files.
  3.12   The email is saved in the table of addresses now. Now a vCard can be downloaded from the management of addresses.
2011/03/18 3.12 #9931105 The form can not be submitted if a registered user is logged in.*
2011/03/10 3.12 #9931103 In the additional module "News Paper", the image can not be uploaded to the group.
2011/03/03 3.12 #9931102 In the list of menu link module are included only two levels of internal objects.*
  3.12   All available languages have been fully integrated into the FCKEditor.
2011/02/28 3.12 #9931101 The conversion date is not correctly for the Czech language.
2011/02/25 3.11 #9931006 Sporadic bug in the reservation. In certain settings between calendar and form is not properly the controlling on double booking sometimes.
2011/02/23 3.11 #9931007 Some entries are not correctly in different language files.
  3.11   Now the legend displays in frontend for blocked days not the same as backend, so not blocked but the words not availeble.
2011/02/05 3.11 #9931005 Bug in the admin tool "Editing form templates", where an error message appears when you save the form field list.*
2011/01/24 3.1 #9931001 The Icon for on/off the section is not displayed in editing content.
2011/01/21 3.1   When editing content, the section can be enabled or disabled now.
2011/01/14 3.1   The module menu link was adapted to the module faq manager for direct call a category.
2011/01/10 3.1   An additional module FAQ manager has been created - This module allows to create a content with frequently asked questions in order by categories.
2010/12/14 3.1 #9930228 With the use of contingents the legend of the calendar shows "reserved" and "occupancy" rather than "partly reserved" and "fully occupied".
* This sign displays that are only available in the PROFI version.
<< changes in Versions 3.2x changes in Versions 3.0x >>
Last change 11.07.2024