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BROM BelCal® - Information

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Changes since the publication of BROM BelCal® 3.2
<< changes in versions 3.3x changes in versions 3.1x >>
Date Version Bugs Description or bug fixes
2011/11/30 3.23   Captcha has now by default the function for "Reload" switched on.
2011/11/29 3.23 #9932202 If a user who is not object owner edited the object-settings, all additional object-admins will be deleted.*
2011/11/28 3.23 #9932201 If the field is left blank for homepage in the guestbook, the icon for the homepage is still displayed.
2011/11/09 3.22 #9932101 Some errors on PHP environment from version 5.3, because different used functions are no longer available.
2011/11/04 3.21   Now it is possible an owner of the objects are allocated from the user list. Owner is automatically given administrator for the object.*
  3.21   For the option of automatic registration with the form can be assigned a group now.*
2011/11/02 3.21   BelCal is now registered as a trademark at the German Patent and Trademark Office. The indication with ® was performed at all points in the system.
  3.21 #9932002 When sending forms in the format "text only" missing some line breaks.
  3.21 #9932001 The form is sent, despite the option selected "text only" as an HTML mail, or vice versa.
2011/10/17 3.21   The smileys are saved as relative path in the data base now.
2011/10/14 3.2   A new option is been included for forms. The format of email can be selected to html or only text now.
  3.2   The list of address management now displays the user group, if available.*
2011/10/12 3.2   In the templates were fixed some display errors.
2011/10/02 3.2 #9931910 Some table tags in the availability calendar are flawed.
  3.2 #9931908 The image tags for language flaggs are not closed correctly.
  3.2 #9931906 The image tags for the PopUp calendar from form are not closed correctly.
2011/09/17 3.2 #9931903 If a main language is selected under object options, which is not active, all other languages can also be disabled. This leads to an error in the presentation.
* This sign displays that are only available in the PROFI version.
<< changes in versions 3.3x changes in versions 3.1x >>
Last change 11.07.2024