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Changes since the publication of BROM BelCal® 3.3
<< changes in versions 3.4x changes in versions 3.2x >>
Date Version Bugs Description or bug fixes
2012/03/01 3.36   The form was adapted. Now pre-selection can be defined in the field types drop-down list, radio button and checkbox. The corresponding entry must have a "+" as the first character.
2012/02/18 3.36 #9933507 The new version number is not stored when updating templates.
  3.36 #9933506 The section "Only menu link" can not select objects with visibility "in progress".
  3.36 #9933505 The forced logout of users does not work if the session folder is write protected.
2012/02/16 3.36 #9933504 The image size adjustment in some modules does not work if it is not a PNG file.
2012/02/14 3.36 #9933502 The javascript popup calendar does not work correctly if the tool for calendar settings is not installed.
  3.36 #9933501 A changed entry in a language file with the editor for language files can not be reversed.*
2012/02/11 3.35 #9933408 An error message appears in the display of the details of installed language files.
2012/02/10 3.35 #9933407 The field "MORE" is not processed correctly, if the form is used an additional check box after this field.
  3.35 #9933406 The display of some modules is not entirely correct.
2012/02/07 3.35 #9933405 The form does not work correctly if the fields PERSONS or CHILDREN are treated as selection list.
  3.35 #9933404 The template "BROM CMS simple" get to many errors for validate w3. All templates have been revised now.
2012/02/03 3.35 #9933403 An error message is displayed if the activation of a section is done via link from the processing area.
  3.35 #9933402 Due to an error message can not be added a new field to forms.*
  3.35 #9933401 When sending out newsletters are not showing all the names of failed transmissions.
2012/02/01 3.34   If in options of the form be entered multiple e-mails as a receiver, it is now only used the first as the sender for the automatic reply mail.
  3.34 #9933309 Bug in the form. If a link has been entered in the list of options from an appropriate field, the form for reservations can not be sent.
2012/01/30 3.34 #9933308 The module "Special media wrapper" shows not correctly the umlauts if an ASCII text is inserted.
2012/01/27 3.34   The editor for language files has been modified. Now revised entries will also remain in later updates.*
  3.34 #9933307 Is changed a document template with unequal blocks at a later time an error message appears when editing sections.
2012/01/26 3.34   The reservation lists display now informations about units, persons and children if available.
  3.34 #9933301 In a same object can be integrated different modules, which could interfere with each other.
  3.34 #9933306 When sending forms an error message appears occasionally.
2012/01/25 3.34 #9933305 The guestbook appears an error message if there is no entry.
2012/01/24 3.34 #9933303 If a selected language is not present as a language file, appears in the reservation lists an error message.
2012/01/18 3.33 #9933205 Some browsers and PHP versions prevent the processing of options. A saving of the faulty contents may lead to the destruction of the table and to unexpected events. Now can try to repair it.
2012/01/14 3.33 #9933204 An error message appears when editing sections.
  3.33 #9933203 The URL is lost in the link dialog of WYSIWYG editor.
2012/01/02 3.33 #9933201 Error in the italian language of calendar module.
2011/12/28 3.32   A new setting is included under options from the guest book, so that the form for entering can also displayed in front of the entries.
  3.32   The access permissions have been checked and corrected in all included modules.*
2011/12/21 3.32 #9933103 When adding seasonal rates are incorrect names for the new season to choose from.*
2011/12/18 3.32 #9933102 An error message blocking the processing of the options from the guestbook.
2011/12/16 3.31 #9933009 An error message appears in the reservation list or when editing a reservation.
2011/12/15 3.31 #9933008 In the form appears an error message if the field "PERSONS" is a selection list.
2011/12/14 3.31 #9933007 The calculation of contingents does not work correctly if the field "CHILDREN" is not activated in the form.
2011/12/13 3.31 #9933002 Users without permission to upload object media can upload media via the file manager of WYSIWYG editor anyway.*
2011/12/12 3.31 #9933006 In the admin tool "Media Management" an error message appears when a non admin user renames a file.*
  3.31 #9933005 In some versions of PHP at the options will be displayed wrong contents in the fields and is thus incorrect storage of settings.
  3.31 #9933004 A new addresses can not add on the address management.
  3.31 #9933003 When adding reservations on the administration it will not be saved.
2011/12/08 3.3 #9932301 Due to an error in connection with IE9 (64) the WYSIWYG editor has been replaced with a newer version. The old version is no longer available on a new installation of the system, but an update has both versions of editor. The new editor is also available as add-on.
  3.3   The reservation system is now with a function of price calculation. This allows the free configuration of different seasonal prices, discounts and surcharges. The prices can then be sent by placeholders to the automatic reply mail for a booking (default).*
* This sign displays that are only available in the PROFI version.
<< changes in versions 3.4x changes in versions 3.2x >>
Last change 01.07.2024