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Changes since the publication of BROM BelCal® 3.4
<< changes in versions 3.5x changes in versions 3.3x >>
Date Version Bugs Description or bug fixes
2012/08/17 3.49   The internal price calculation can be optionally set for all areas (default) or only for the administrative area.
  3.49   In the form options can now be set the preview before submitting. Thus before the submission the form is displayed a preview of the items and the price calculation if is.
2012/08/06 3.49 #9934803 The filter of the address list for an unlimited number, the default is set from 20 per page.
  3.49 #9934802 The export of reservations does not work in certain situations.
2012/08/04 3.49 #9934801 In the languages of calendar module lacks an entry, so that in certain situations comes an error message.
2012/07/30 3.48   The address list can now be filtered according to text contained in name, first name and city.
2012/07/29 3.48 #9934711 In the guestbook does not work the return to form if an incorrect entry is put in.
2012/07/27 3.48 #9934710 If the browser language is different from existing object languages the content is not displayed.
2012/07/23 3.48 #9934708 For a newly created reservation in the admin area the address is empty if JavaScript is blocked by browser.
  3.48 #9934706 Scrolling forward the addresses does not work.
2012/07/08 3.48 #9934703 The new placeholder for price of total price minus pre-payment in the e-mail correspondence is not recognized.*
2012/07/05 3.47 #9934604 In the e-mail correspondence makes problems shipping by PDF attachment if images are included.
  3.47   The format of address list been improved for different access restrictions.*
  3.47   The e-mail templates for correspondence of reservations can now be copied between objects.*
  3.47   The export function for reservations has been changed. Now the source fields can be assigned to customized target fields. In addition, the list can be printed or saved as a CSV file. The import is currently not available yet.
2012/06/27 3.47 #9934603 A new install has an incorrect group table.
  3.47   A new placeholder for the residual price is integrated to use with e mails.*
2012/06/24 3.47 #9934602 The address list can not go to next or previous page.
2012/06/23 3.47 #9934601 When saving an e-mail template does not work the return to editor page.*
2012/06/21 3.46   A new admin tool "Editing e-mail templates" has been integrated. Now you can edit the templates for the e-mail correspondence.*
  3.46 #9934507 If an e-mail is incorrect the system shows a PHP error message.
2012/06/20 3.46 #9934506 Under processing sections for systems without reservation management sometimes appears an error message.
2012/06/18 3.46 #9934505 When sending newsletters the inserted images are not sent.
2012/06/13 3.46   The address management has been improved. Now the list can be filtered and an e-mail can be sent to a single address.
  3.46 #9934504 On a registration in frontend is not stored the e-mail to the address.*
2012/06/10 3.46 #9934503 If drag and drop is enabled for lists of objects, the sub-objects can not be displayed in some cases.*
2012/06/08 3.46 #9934502 When backing up the entire database is lost the table prefix.*
2012/06/07 3.46 #9934501 A minor error is displayed in the admin area on some settings.
2012/06/06 3.45 #9934403 Error message when new registration with activation of the account by link.*
  3.45 #9934402 Some additional modules are not recognized correctly by the system and are therefore not available.
2012/06/02 3.45 #9934401 An irrelevant error message displays, if is called from editing out the section the editing of CSS file.*
2012/05/24 3.44   Now in a backup the table prefix can be saved as placeholder for restore the database in an other installation.*
2012/05/21 3.44 #9934304 In the settings the templates are not complete lists to choose from.
2012/05/18 3.44   Shift in position by drag and drop for objects, sections and some modules is reinserted in the Admin Tool "jsadmin" now.*
2012/05/08 3.44 #9934303 If the folders were changed for objects and/or media, this not taken into the backup/restore.*
2012/05/07 3.44 #9934302 Some versions of PHP the variables of settings do not show correctly because they are too much. So the settings saved with incorrect values.
2012/05/05 3.44 #9934301 When repairing the settings, an entry is still flawed.
2012/04/30 3.43   The basic settings of the permissions for users led to misunderstandings and is therefore no longer available.*
2012/04/29 3.43 #9934103 Certain providers are only sent e-mails if the sender has its own address. Now can be set the server mail as sender for all forms.
2012/04/26 3.43   All templates has been modified with meta tag to disable the browser cache.
  3.43 #9934102 Security bug in the admin area.
2012/04/25 3.43 #9934201 The CKEditor has an error in the filemanager for PHP versions 4.
2012/04/23 3.42 #9934108 When adding a new address by the address management is missing the field for entering the e-mail.
2012/04/21 3.42 #9934107 Some settings produce an error message when adding a new object.
2012/04/20 3.42 #9934106 Some sections are assigned to objects sometimes wrong.
  3.42 #9934105 Some browsers report JavaScript errors on processing of old reservations.
  3.42 #9934104 An empty url from address is saved as "http://" and this can not be changed for registered users later.
2012/04/19 3.42 #9934103 Some systems have problems in the reservation management after updating to 3.41.
2012/04/18 3.42 #9934102 The filter from reservation list is sometimes ignored during the export.
2012/04/17 3.42 #9934101 If the reservation system is not installed, an error message prevents adding additional modules in the list of sections.
2012/04/15 3.41   In the address management can now be recorded for each address a remark. This remark is also displayed in the processing of reservations.
  3.41   More features have been included in the calendar module. Now can be set a limitation of arrival days. In the PROFI version can also be defined this for each season separatly.
2012/04/09 3.41 #9934005 Some browsers will lose the assignment to the object at the processing of prices.*
2012/04/04 3.41 #9934004 The decimal fields are due to different interpretation of MySQL versions too small.*
  3.41 #9934003 In the prices to be doubled in certain situations the holidays.*
2012/04/02 3.41 #9934002 A little bug in the display of forms if newsletter is turned on.
  3.41   Addresses can now be assigned to other users. Provided the user has access rights to user management.*
  3.41 #9934001 Contingents are not recorded correctly when manually entering reservation. When e-mailing the non-active languages are also available.
2012/03/29 3.4   The sending of e-mails to reservations has been fully integrated into the system. Now in addition to the use of prefabricated templates can also be appended a local file. A contract or an invoice if pricing is switched on* can be sent as a PDF attachment.
2012/03/26 3.4 #9933603 In the processing of prices, an error message appears when surcharges for entries from field "MORE" were recorded, but these no longer exist.*
2012/03/16 3.4 #9933602 The large preview of an image is not showed with the file manager 2 in CKEditor.
2012/03/05 3.4   The admin area has been widened to cover the additional menu item "Address", if this is relevant.
  3.4 #9933601 The registration dialog in the front end displays also the groups, which should not be listed.*
* This sign displays that are only available in the PROFI version.
<< changes in versions 3.5x changes in versions 3.3x >>
Last change 01.07.2024