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Changes since the publication of BROM BelCal® 3.7
<< changes in versions 3.8x changes in versions 3.6x >>
Date Version Bugs Description or bug fixes
2016/03/21 3.797 #9937907 The insertion of internal links is prevented in WYSIWYG editor.
2016/04/20 3.796 #9937906 The form will only ship the date fields when a calendar module is contained in the same object.
2016/03/19 3.795 #9937905 Calculation the price of extra bed is not correctly.*
2016/04/17 3.794 #9937904 Mail addresses are rejected if they have special characters in front of the @ directly.
2016/03/16 3.793 #9937903 Mails with text format have too many line breaks.
2016/03/02 3.792   The included templates have been adapted for display on smartphone browsers.
2016/03/02 3.792 #9937902 An error message appears in reservations list if exists a reservation without date.
2016/02/16 3.791 #9937901 The sides remain empty with some PHP configurations after the update to version 3.790.
2016/02/15 3.790   An adaptation of the admin tool for editing email templates has been made for the serial mails.*
2016/02/15 3.790   From the reservation lists can now be sent serial mails.
2016/02/15 3.790   The reservation list can now be filtered directly to the specified date for arrival or departure.
2016/02/08 3.790   Adjustments for PHP 7.0 were performed. Thus the system is no longer compatible with PHP versions smaller than 5.3.
2016/01/31 3.790 #9937810 Some modules do not work properly if the requested domain does not match the installation domain (eg www omitted).
2016/01/12 3.789   For spam handling in the form options has been added "no limit".
2016/01/12 3.789   Now in the WYSIWYG section can be entered a placeholder for another WYSIWYG section.
2015/12/19 3.789   The list of objets display additional the owner on mouseover the object name.
2015/12/19 3.789   The form can fill available fields with GET variables from query string now. The GET variables must be with the field names identical.
2015/12/14 3.789 #9937809 The return to current page does not work with login box.
2015/11/30 3.788   The filter on emails is also integrated in reservation list.
2015/11/30 3.788   Now in the address management users can also set a filter on emails if they have the permission for save vCards (default).
2015/11/29 3.786 #9937806 When changing the date of timed WYSIWYG sections the languages will not be considered.
2015/11/25 3.785 #9937805 Security issue allows that users can modify own access permissions.*
2015/11/25 3.785 #9937804 Some browsers show old pages from the cache even with changed contents.
2015/11/18 3.783   The text filter for the reservation list was expanded with city and phone.
2015/11/18 3.783   In the address management the current reservations are displayed now, if available.
2015/11/09 3.782 #9937802 The background is not correctly in some management templates.
2015/11/06 3.781 #9937801 An error message appears if email is sent from reservation management without price calculation.
2015/11/03 3.780   A text filter is been included for the list of reservations.
2015/11/03 3.780   The additional module "price tables" is included in the download file of basic system now.*
2015/11/03 3.780   New setting for extra beds introduced in the calendar. For this can be placed a surcharge with the internal pricing.*
2015/11/03 3.780 #9937705 In consecutive seasons with the same designation, the price calculation is wrong.*
2015/10/19 3.773 #9937703 An e-mail in the reservation management can not be recorded or changed at a later time.
2015/09/28 3.772 #9937702 The reservation list sorted by date does not appear.
2015/09/05 3.770   In the form was introduced a new field type "file". So it can be offered to send file attachments. It supports text, graphics and PDF files.
2015/08/21 3.767 #9937607 Inadvertently registered URL in an address can not be deleted.
2015/08/15 3.766 #9937606 Sometimes in the reservation list show abbreviated addresses an erroneous character.
2015/08/08 3.765 #9937605 Objects do not change to default language if the selected language came first but was later removed.
2015/08/01 3.764 #9937604 The Newsletter entry is retained when e-mail address is deleted.
2015/08/01 3.763 #9937603 An error message is issued when there is no object title to selected language.
2015/07/22 3.762 #9937602 In the address management an existing e-mail entry can not be removed.
2015/06/14 3.760   Now exporting of reservation can be save as iCal format.
2015/06/11 3.760   Now internal prices can be imported from another object at the current price editing and also can be copied to other objects from current price editing.
2015/05/31 3.754 #9937504 In certain settings an incorrect date entry in the form is not output correctly.
2015/05/15 3.753 #9937503 Graphic bug in the calendar for the arrival / departure with automatic color transition.
2015/05/11 3.752 #9937502 In some cases the calculation of booking days is not displayed correctly and some other inconsistencies occur.
2015/05/11 3.751 #9937501 In the admin tool User logins the display limit is not working correctly.*
2015/04/15 3.750   For a new registration and automatic creation of an object now a sub-object is created if an object with the name already exists.*
2015/04/03 3.750   The admin tool User logins has now an option for automatic log out users after the set days.*
2015/04/02 3.741 #9937401 The display in advanced settings is shifted slightly in some browsers.*
2015/03/13 3.740 #9937302 When saving groups sometimes get an error message.*
2015/03/13 3.740   On special request can now be used to set whether nights or days are counted to booking.
2015/03/12 3.740 #9937301 A new installation will not be completed because a table is missing.
2015/02/10 3.730 #9937207 In rare cases, the fields of the forms have been lost in the last updates. This version introduces a correction when updating.
2015/01/24 3.726 #9937206 Settings can not saved if apostrophes contain the texts of header / footer or title.
2015/01/17 3.725   Update scripts from versions prior to 3600 were removed. Thus, a version 3.6xx must already be installed before updating to the current version. This measure was necessary because some very long scripts repeatedly generated update error.
2015/01/08 3.725   Not logged out users from the system, are now automatically removed after 100 days from the log record.
2015/01/07 3.724 #9937204 An error message is displayed when the Add-ons->Modules are attempting to call details or uninstall without selection.
2014/12/24 3.723 #9937203 The domain-validation of a URL or email sometimes provides a false message.
2014/12/22 3.722 #9937202 In certain situations the options will not be saved, because an error message appears.
2014/12/22 3.721 #9937201 The JavaScript calendar displays an error message. In certain cases, this does block the admin area.
2014/12/17 3.720   A new function (useronline) has been created to display number of current visitors online.
2014/11/07 3.710 #9937010 In rare cases occur too many connections to the database.
2014/10/29 3.709 #9937009 When updating extensions or templates some files will not be replaced, e.g. if they have a newer date on the server.
2014/10/16 3.708 #9937008 A system update is trying to re-install individual modules, which leads to the termination of the update.
2014/10/11 3.707 #9937007 The admin tool settings of js-calendar are not available for backend section to load them.*
2014/10/04 3.706 #9937006 PHP versions earlier than 5.4 can not yet perform a function.
2014/10/02 3.705 #9937005 A data base query is carried out twice, what an unnecessary DB-load means.
  3.704 #9937004 A lack of space in a data base query can lead to problems.
  3.703 #9937003 1. If sections or objects will be deleted it appears an error message sometimes.
2. It is possible that the menu is not displayed in the frontend.
2014/09/17 3.702   When you unpack the download files show some programs error. The faulty contents were exchanged now.
  3.702 #9937002 It will output an error message if a reservation save in the admin area and the user has not permission to delete it.*
  3.701 #9937001 It is trying to declare a constant twice.
2014/09/15 3.700   Extensive adjustments of all files of the main system have been made to achieve compatibility with PHP 5.5 or 5.6. In addition, some minor bugs were discovered and fixed.
* This sign means that messages are included only in the PROFI version.
<< changes in versions 3.8x changes in versions 3.6x >>
Last change 11.07.2024