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Changes since the publication of BROM BelCal® 3.8


<< changes in versions 3.9x changes in versions 3.7x >>
Date Version Bugs Description or bug fixes
2017/09/29 3.898 #9938908 The update information also appears with the current version if it is enabled.*
2017/09/09 3.897 #9938907 Some browsers do not properly display the color picker.
2017/09/07 3.896 #9938906 A reservation is not displayed in the availability calendar if the end is after the last month of calendar display.
2017/08/29 3.895   The color selector of calendar section has been optimized with a jquery colorpicker. If the new ColorPicker is not displayed, the browser cache must be deleted and the page reloaded.
2017/08/15 3.894 #9938904 The output of the price tables is not possible chronologically by years.*
2017/08/14 3.893 #9938903 Print / export of reservation lists use an incorrect filter.
2017/08/14 3.892 #9938902 In the pricing the sorting of the seasons by date is confusing.*
2017/08/11 3.891 #9938901 The season price calculation for separate years included in version 3.890 may be incorrect.*
2017/08/10 3.890   Seasons and season prices can now also be entered separately for the current and following year.*
2017/07/28 3.886   The menu in the admin area now has submenus with direct links to the subpoints. After updating to display correction, please delete browser cache.
2017/07/24 3.886   The text filter for the address list and the reservation lists has been expanded to include note from addresses.
2017/07/18 3.885   The subject line in the templates for reservation mail can be extend now with your own text and the placeholders [RES_NUMBER], [OBJECT_TITLE], [DATE_START], and [DATE_END].*
2017/07/10 3.884 #9938804 A cancellation fee can not be corrected and an error message occurs when editing standard texts.*
2017/07/07 3.883   The new payment control was revised again.*
2017/07/06 3.883 #9938803 The payment control list is not displayed correctly after logon.*
2017/07/05 3.882 #9938802 The WYSIWYG editor still makes problems after various update versions.
2017/07/04 3.881 #9938801 The new payment control does not work properly for return of bail.*
2017/07/04 3.880 #9938710 The WYSIWYG editor do not initilize correctly sometimes since version 3.850.
2017/07/03 3.879   For objects with reservation calendar and internal price calculation, a payment control can now be used and configured.*
2017/06/19 3.880   The administration forms now check whether changes have been saved.
2017/06/19 3.879 #9938709 The assignment a reservation to another object not work. In addition, a calculation error may occur when sending reservation mails.
2017/06/19 3.878 #9938708 A reservation is not recorded via a central form if the object is not activated in the form field OBJECTS.*
2017/06/14 3.875 #9938707 The restore function (Admin tool - "Backup/Restore") does not work in version 3.875.*
2017/06/13 3.876 #9938706 In some cases the line spacing in emails is once again too large.
2017/06/09 3.875   The backup function has been completely revised once again.*
2017/06/07 3.875 #9938705 The sending of a new password with forgotten personal data does not work and therefore no login is possible.
2017/06/07 3.874 #9938704 The backup does not work with very large databases.*
2017/06/07 3.873 #9938703 The reservation lists of individual objects are not displayed correctly.
2017/06/05 3.872   Files sent to a reservation via e-mail can now be viewed from the list of reservations also.
2017/05/22 3.871   Files sent to a reservation via e-mail can now be viewed in the editing dialog, and uploading PDF files for reservation is also possible.
2017/05/17 3.870   The admin tool "Backup/Restore" has been enhanced to support the templates.*
2017/05/17 3.870   On special request of an user the Admin-Tool "XML data export" was extended for the export in the iCalendar format and is now called "Data export as XML or iCal".*
2017/05/15 3.863   Missing e-mail templates for reservation management are now automatically added with default contents when the reservation management is called.
2017/05/10 3.863 #9938603 An error is issued when users are registered in connection with the "Search object frontend editor" module.*
2017/05/08 3.862 #9938602 When copying an object with calendar, the e-mail templates for reservation management are missing.
2017/05/08 3.861   The installer for languages has been revised. Now module languages can also be installed or updated.*
2017/05/06 3.861   When displaying details about the module under Add-ons-> Module, some snippets (additional functions) are now offered help.
2017/05/05 3.861 #9938601 An address without a name can not be added as a user in the user administration.*
2017/05/02 3.860   The sitemap module has been extended with a setting for displaying hidden objects.
2017/05/02 3.859 #9938509 The module for price tables displays an error if the form for resevations is not available.*
2017/05/02 3.858 #9938508 The link provided in an e-mail (for example, for reservations) is not interpreted correctly in some browsers.
2017/04/24 3.857 #9938507 The version 3.856 has an error in the calendar module. Therefore, this version is no longer available.
2017/04/23 3.856 #9938506 The version 3.855 has an error while sending the form. Furthermore the selected objects do not appear in all languages for the form field OBJECTS.
2017/04/21 3.855   Registered users of a group with authorization for guests can now also turn the newsletter on/off.*
2017/04/21 3.855   In individual modules have been adapted access restrictions for multi-user operation.*
2017/04/18 3.854 #9938504 The manually entered HTML tags are not transferred correctly into the mail for offers from the post office.
2017/04/18 3.853 #9938503 HTML characters are not displayed correctly in the e-mail subject.
2017/04/11 3.852   Some functions have been optimized.
2017/04/11 3.852   Now a new object can be created from an existing object with contents of certain sections. The sections WYSIWYG, forms, languages and calendar without prices and reservations are currently supported.
2017/04/03 3.851   If the module "Search for objects" is installed and objects are included with equipments (icons), can be set a filter with these equipmants for offers in the post office.*
2017/03/31 3.851   In the advanced settings it is now possible to set whether and how many days should be automatically checked for updates. If a newer version is available, this can also be installed immediately. This faeture works only if certain functions in PHP are not blocked.*
2017/03/28 3.851 #9938501 The field for specials is limited to 255 characters.
2017/03/23 3.850   A user can now set his individual heights for WYSIWYG editor in his own user data.
2017/03/09 3.845 #9938405 The mini-IMAP application causes an error message to be displayed when the reply message with mail content is in the text format.
2017/03/03 3.844   The mini IMAP application has been improved. Now email adresses can be initializedd as spam.
2017/03/03 3.844 #9938404 In the mini IMAP application, an error sometimes occurs if emails have attachments.
2017/03/03 3.843   In the calendar display, holidays with surcharge are now displayed like Sundays (red number).*
2017/03/03 3.843 #9938403 An error is displayed when sending e-mails without a template and more languages from the reservation managment.
2017/03/03 3.842 #9938402 The ID is passed instead of object title in the e-mail content.
2017/02/27 3.841 #9938401 The PopUp calendar displays faulty blocked days if the object is changed with the form field for objects.*
2017/02/23 3.840   In the form options can now be disabled the automatic price calculation.*
2017/02/23 3.840 #9938310 The form has an incorrect initialization for Javascript.
2017/02/23 3.839 #9938309 Mistakes in the languages of the modules "calendar" and "price tables".
2017/02/23 3.838 #9938308 CAPTCHA has been revised because some problems occur with different browsers.
2017/02/19 3.837 #9938307 When saving a reservation without price calculation in the admin area a failure message appears.
2017/02/16 3.836   In the form settings, additional placeholders were installed and a corresponding help button was created.
2017/02/16 3.835 #9938305 When saving a reservation in the admin area a failure message appears briefly.*
2017/02/06 3.834   The mini IMAP application has been improved. The viewing the list of e-mails has been splitted to pages each 15 mails. All e-mails from a list can bow be selected with click the checkbox on top.
2017/01/23 3.833 #9938303 The name for a mailbox can not be changed in the mini IMAP application.
2017/01/06 3.832 #9938302 Under PHP 7.1 it is not possible to save a backup including object/media files with admin tool Backup/Restore.*
2016/12/21 3.831 #9938301 If will change an address with user group, the e-mail is emptied.
2016/12/15 3.830 #9938212 The XML output does not work for special characters in entries.*
2016/12/15 3.830   When uploading JPEG images with an EXIF entry, the orientation is now taken into rendition.
2016/12/14 3.830 #9938211 E-mails are rejected with underline in the address.
2016/11/28 3.829 #9938210 In some cases, the database was not properly adjusted during update to 3.82x.
2016/11/03 3.829 #9938209 Sometimes an error message appears when sending the form and therefore the form is not sent.
2016/10/26 3.828 #9938208 The surcharges from the MORE field sometimes do not appear in price processing.*
2016/10/23 3.827 #9938207 The calculation of the seasonal overlap is not correct for postoffice offers.*
2016/10/21 3.826 #9938206 The calculation of the seasonal overlap with type "highest price" is not correct.*
2016/10/17 3.825 #9938205 Sometimes booked objects appears in offers and certain special characters in the name of e-mails interfere with some functions.
2016/10/15 3.824 #9938204 When email answer the mailto field is not filled coorectly.
2016/10/14 3.823 #9938203 Some issues in the mini IMAP application (Post office).
2016/10/12 3.822 #9938202 The booking form does not work without internal pricing.
2016/10/12 3.821   The mini IMAP application has been improved. Now, not only answers, but also sending new e-mails is possible.
2016/10/10 3.821 #9938201 The content is empty of emails with format text/plain.
2016/10/05 3.820   Now additional options can be added in objects with calendar module, which will be used by mails via IMAP application.
2016/10/05 3.820   A mini IMAP application has been included into the administration to get mail from own mailboxes.
2016/09/27 3.820 #9938111 The export of reservations does not work.
2016/09/17 3.820   A new admin tool to create a Google Sitemap has been added.*
2016/09/14 3.820 #9938110 In a particular setting, the days / nights of the reservation will not be output correctly.*
2016/09/10 3.819 #9938109 HTML emails from the reservation management may have too long lines and therefore come back as undeliverable.
2016/08/03 3.818 #9938108 The module for displaying price charts shows faulty prices.*
2016/07/27 3.817 #9938107 Some configurations of webservers have a problem with interpreting the content from constants in a frontend function of BelCal.
2016/07/25 3.816 #9938106 The positions are not correct when view of reservations is with calendar as lines.
2016/07/22 3.815   The calendar view of reservations is now also available as display by lines for better comparison with several objects.
2016/07/22 3.815 #9938105 It was able to entered a link as name in the guestbook. Now various characters are blocked in this field.
2016/07/19 3.815   Now the line is only displayed in the footer, if the footer is not empty.
2016/07/14 3.814 #9938104 The return from the reservation list displays a blank page.
2016/07/05 3.813 #9938103 At the reservation processing the form is missing to send an e-mail.
2016/06/28 3.812 #9938102 The price will appear only after a change in input in the form.*
2016/06/13 3.811 #9938101 The own birthday can not be changed in the admin area under user data.*
2016/06/08 3.810   In the address table has been added a new field for birthdate and can be used from the address processing.
2016/06/08 3.810   In the calendar settings can be defined a reservation form outside the calendar object now.
2016/06/02 3.807 #9938007 The review of the ban on the inclusion of sections, which cause problems with each other, has been extended to some modules.
2016/05/30 3.806 #9938006 After creating a new reservation in the admin area of return always to the list takes place, but it should go to the postprocessing of prices at existing prices.*
2016/05/30 3.805 #9938005 The form with field type file is incorrectly interpreted when sending, if it is left blank.
2016/05/26 3.804 #9938004 The calculation of prices is faulty if a reservation is entered on the management.*
2016/05/26 3.804   A form can now be with the field name "OBJECTS" associated with other objects and also pass via GET in the link to the form.
2016/05/18 3.803 #9938003 An error message prevents the sending of mails to a reservation.
2016/05/17 3.802 #9938002 Objects can be deleted, although still associated sections.
2016/05/17 3.801 #9938001 When processing rates sometimes get an error message.*
2016/05/10 3.800   The recalculation can be reached now directly from the reservation list by clicking on the price.*
2016/05/10 3.800   A shortcut to the modify of prices has been added to the object list for relevant objects.*
2016/05/10 3.800   The internal price calculation has been completely revised and optimized. It is new that did not reach minimum bookings can be allowed to seasonal rates with calculation for day/night rate to the minimum booking.*
* This sign means that messages are included only in the PROFI version.
<< changes in versions 3.9x changes in versions 3.7x >>


* This sign means that messages are included only in the PROFI version.
Last change 01.07.2024