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Changes since the publication of BROM BelCal® 3.9
<< changes in versions 4.0x changes in versions 3.8x >>
Date Version Bugs Description or bug fixes
2019/04/30 3.998   Some adjustments have been made, which cause errors when using PHP 7.3.
2019/04/30 3.997   The mandatory fields have now a mark for new registration of users in the frontend.*
2019/04/30 3.998   Improved removal of blank lines when sending emails as text.
2019/04/24 3.997 #9939907 There is an incorrect entry in the submenu of add-ons.
2019/04/15 3.996   The filter setting of the objects for displaying the reservations in calendar view and list by date is now saved. This is only available for more than 3 objects.
2019/04/12 3.995   The password prompt for changes to the personal data has been removed because this is only possible with registration anyway.
2019/04/12 3.995   The filter settings of the address list are now saved for each user.
2019/04/09 3.995 #9939905 The salutation with options in the form stores an incorrect value.
2019/04/09 3.994 #9939904 After updating to version 3.993 the client billing does not work properly.*
2019/04/02 3.993   If a booking has already been settled with the owner (client) and is then canceled, a cancellation invoice can be created to the owner.*
2019/03/29 3.993   If the tool "Settings JS-Calendar" in version 3.35 is installed, the startup screen of the PopUp Calendar can be set backward or forward 730 days from the current date.
2019/03/29 3.993   The form module has been revised. Additional field types are "Date" and "Hidden" where the field type "Hidden" is only sent to the recipient (but not to the responser email). Also a separate module (if any) can now be used for send control.
2019/03/26 3.992 #9939902; When the price is displayed live in the form, an error message appears.*
2019/03/18 3.991   A statistics block has been integrated into the reservation lists. This can also be activated for printouts of the lists.
2019/03/06 3.990   The php_code module to inserting PHP commands for the output has been integrated into the main system.
2019/03/06 3.990   New placeholders integrated for WYSIWYG section. In connection with ckeditor4 they are displayed in the placeholder list. Manual input: [bcmap+Section-ID] for Sitemap sections and [bccode+Section-ID] for php_code sections.
2019/02/26 3.990   For reservation mails can now be saved default attachments.
2019/02/17 3.985 #9939805 An error message appears in the price calculation if the "Special Offers" module is installed.*
2019/02/16 3.984 #9939804 Some bugs that have crept in with version 3.983.
2019/02/13 3.983   Settings for printing the reservation list of individual objects can now be saved. If the printout is also configured as e-mail, there will be an additional link to automatically send the list of these settings.
2019/02/12 3.983   Holidays / special days configured for display are now also displayed in the JS-PopUp-Calendar.
2019/02/12 3.982 #9939802 The flexible holidays do not display in the appointment calendar.*
2019/02/09 3.981 #9939801 Sometimes an error message appears in the calendar object.
2019/02/07 3.980   The display of holidays / special days is now configured using appointment calendar settings.*
2019/01/29 3.980   A new e-mail template for payment reminder has been integrated.*
2019/01/18 3.979 #9939709 Some crawlers try to index the admin directory, though blocked by robots.txt.
2018/01/10 3.978 #9939708 After the new year the invoice number for the billing of clients is wrong.*
2018/12/13 3.977 #9939707 The post office setting for sent mails to a subfolder generates errors.
2018/11/28 3.976 #9939706 The field for custom COOKIE INFO text is too short.
2018/11/23 3.975 #9939705 Sometimes the line for e-mail address is insufficient for frontend logging in.*
2018/11/16 3.974 #9939704 Some PHP versions can not interpret the COOKIE message and issue an HTTP error 500.
2018/11/07 3.973   The WYSIWYG editor (CKeditor4) has been integrated into the basic system and is also available as a separate download for post-installation. This works well with most smartphones.
2018/11/05 3.972 #9939702 The online help in the admin tool for editing e-mail templates does not work for some languages.*
2018/11/03 3.971 #9939701 The folder selection for sent emails does not work.
2018/11/02 3.970   The admin tool for patches and system updates does not need to be installed separately in future.*
2018/11/02 3.970   In the post office can now be defined a folder for storing sent emails.
2018/10/10 3.968   The upload of files in the admin tool for media administration has been overhauled.*
2018/09/30 3.968   Reservation lists now show a summary of the displayed bookings at the end.
2018/09/18 3.967 #9939607 In some cases only one file can be attached to emails to be sent from the mailbox.
2018/09/12 3.966 #9939606 The size of various text boxes in the admin area are now adapted to the content.
2018/09/09 3.965   A small improvement in the guestbook was done.
2018/09/08 3.964 #9939604 The new pop-up window for files on multiple objects in reservation lists will not work.
2018/09/06 3.963   In the admin area, pop-up windows have been replaced with new functions, so that a pop-up blocker no longer has to be deactivated.
2018/09/05 3.962 #9939602 Some errors in the calendar module in conjunction with other modules.
2018/08/29 3.961 #9939601 In the admin area are display incorrect prices on calendar screens and an incorrect colorpicker is in calendar section.*
2018/08/28 3.960   Now in the admin area free appointments can be listed at specific times.
2018/08/13 3.954   For more than 3 calendar objects, a selection of the objects to be displayed is now integrated for the calendar presentation of reservations.
2018/08/02 3.953 #9939503 If there is a folder with spaces in the post office, there are problems with the folder options.*
2018/07/18 3.952   Information has been added to the guestbook if the entry is not published immediately.
2018/07/13 3.952 #9939502 In certain cases the field "PERSONS" has no preselection.
2018/07/13 3.951 #9939501 In mailbox the offers with hidden calendar are not included in the e-mail.
2018/07/09 3.950   Sections can now also be configured as hidden, that is, the section is active but not visible in the frontend.
2018/07/07 3.949 #9939409 In some PHP configurations the BackUp tool can not generate a ZIP file.*
2018/07/03 3.948   If payment control is used the reservation lists are now filtered by default to these objects with payment control.*
2018/07/03 3.948 #9939408 When editing the calendar section, an error is sometimes displayed.
2018/06/13 3.947 #9939407 Reservations with the status "self occupied" are missing when print/export the reservation lists.
2018/06/11 3.946 #9939406 In the form with version 3.945 an error has crept in, which blocks the form in certain situations.
2018/06/11 3.945 #9939405 If an object has been deleted, the references to the object still remain in some database tables.
2018/05/30 3.943 #9939403 The information about stored personal data does not work.
2018/05/30 3.942 #9939402 Some PHP versions blocking a function for the cookie plug-in and thus not displaying the pages.
2018/05/29 3.941 #9939401 In offers of mailbox appears occupied objects.
2018/05/26 3.940 #9939311 From an older version was mistakenly awarded duplicate Client-IDs, resulting to double entries in lists.
2018/05/25 3.940 #9939310 Invoice number for commission billing is given only up to 99 correctly.*
2018/05/24 3.940   According to the new DSGVO, a newsletter should be additionally confirmed. A link for confirmation will now be included in the e-mail if the field is clicked.
2018/05/24 3.940   A "self occupied" status has been added. The behavior is like "blocked", but considering quotas and marking as "occupied". Both with "blocked" as well as with "self occupied" there are now no more prices.
2018/05/24 3.940   Added VAT to pricing, which is used in invoices.*
2018/05/24 3.940   The cookie message for disabled cookies has been improved.
2018/05/24 3.939 #9939309 Some option fields will not be selected correctly in case of incorrect entry in the new form.
2018/05/22 3.938 #9939308 When logging in the frontend, an error message appears.
2018/05/06 3.937   If cookies are disabled but absolutely necessary (for example, when logging in), a message will now be displayed.
2018/05/04 3.936 #9939306 A wrong total price will be displayed when previewing on the form.*
2018/05/04 3.935 #9939305 The form not work if the cookies are disabled.
2018/05/02 3.934   The commission statement now includes an online help for the settings.*
2018/04/30 3.934   In the organizer a search function was added.*
2018/04/26 3.933 #9939303 The information about personal data of an address is not complete.
2018/04/26 3.932 #9939302 After a commission settlement a reservation can not be canceled.*
2018/04/22 3.931 #9939301 A bug in version 3.930 prevents the submission of forms.
2018/04/20 3.930   Users of the group Super-Admins can now send or print the information about the address from the edit dialog of an address.
2018/04/20 3.930   In address management, addresses can now be grouped/filtered by type. This also affects different selection lists.
2018/04/20 3.930   Further adjustments have been made because of the GDPR (for example, a PRIVACY field has been added to forms, the NEWSLETTER field is no longer selected by default, and so on).
2018/04/10 3.928 #9939208 The commission billing blocks if a new object was created.*
2018/04/09 3.927 #9939207 If HTML tags (for example, for a link) are used in form fields, these entries will be faulty on a new edit call.
2018/04/09 3.926 #9939206 The form for registering a user is not quite correct in format.*
2018/03/31 3.925 #9939205 The reservation list is broken if no commission invoice is configured.
2018/03/31 3.924 #9939204 Form submission sometimes gets stuck because of a timout of e-mail verification.
2018/03/29 3.923 #9939203 After the update to version 3.920 may be an error in the options.
2018/03/29 3.922 #9939202 The Backup / Restore feature in version 3.920 does not work.*
2018/03/29 3.920   A commission accounting with object owners has been integrated.*
2018/03/29 3.920   Using the options, the cookie usage information can now be integrated into the header or footer with a placeholder.
2018/03/29 3.917 #9939017 A security gap in database access has been fixed.
2018/03/29 3.916 #9939016 If the auto-update information is turned on, an incorrect display will appear.*
2018/03/20 3.915 #9939015 Object options sometimes lack the names of administrators or allowed viewers.*
2018/03/16 3.914 #9939014 In some cases a new mailbox can not be set up.
2018/03/09 3.913   The display of an e-mail in the post office has been extended by Cc.
2018/03/05 3.912 #9939013 The payment control does not check payments of a bail correctly.*
2018/03/02 3.912   When sending e-mails from reservation lists, these are now stored in the post office in the "Sent" folder, if available.*
2018/02/17 3.912   When printing reservation lists, you can now enter several emails separated by commas for sending.
2018/02/17 3.911   When sending e-mails from the mailbox, e-mail templates can now also be used.*
2018/02/15 3.911   When printing reservations, the list can now be sent to an e-mail too.
2018/02/05 3.911 #9939011 A backup / restore with templates not restores the templates.*
2018/02/08 3.910 #9939010 In offers from the mailbox are not display the correct days / nights for certain dates in March.*
2018/02/05 3.909   The homepage of the administration has been extended with direct links.
2018/01/29 3.909   The fee-based sub-items of the offer list via the mailbox can now be selected / deselected for all objects with one click.*
2018/01/27 3.908   The items in the offer list via mailbox are now sorted like objects.*
2018/01/20 3.908 #9939008 The reservation list still shows some incorrect price control postings.*
2018/01/19 3.907 #9939007 During price control some fully paid reservations are shown as open payments if the date for payment is missing.*
2018/01/18 3.906 #9939006 The selected objects in offers via the mailbox are sometimes will be deselected.*
2018/01/14 3.905   To send offers via the mailbox, it is now possible to select all items in the list.*
2018/01/12 3.905 #9939005 If the old reservations are hidden, not balanced payments in the list will be displayed only conditionally.*
2018/01/11 3.904 #9939004 During price control some fully paid reservations are shown as open payments.*
2017/12/06 3.903   The entries from guestbook can now be selected for deleting.
2017/10/26 3.902 #9939002 When uploading images, sometimes an error prevents the return jump.
2017/10/10 3.901 #9939001 An event with time data can not be edited later if the display of the appointment calendar is set to Month. In addition, the alarm will appear at an incorrect time.*
2017/10/07 3.900   A new appointment calendar has been integrated to manage own appointments.*
2017/10/06 3.900   For sending mail from reservations, the "without template" entry has been changed to "Own template", whereby several separate templates can be created by the admin tool for email templates.*
* This sign means that messages are included only in the PROFI version.
<< changes in versions 4.0x changes in versions 3.8x >>


* This sign means that messages are included only in the PROFI version.
Last change 01.07.2024