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BROM BelCal® - Information

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Changes since the publication of BROM BelCal® 4.1
<< changes in versions 4.2x changes in versions 4.0x >>
Date Version Bugs Description or bug fixes
2023/01/20 4.199 #9941909 Changing the amounts in the bil of commission produces erroneous results.*
2023/01/20 4.198 #9941908 When processing the reservation, the data transfer from the detail box does not always work correctly.
2023/01/17 4.197   Some functions deprecated in PHP version 8.2 have been adjusted.
2023/01/17 4.197   By default, the reservation list now also shows reservations that are 30 days old.
2023/01/17 4.197   If a new reservation is created manually in the admin area and the request email is copied into the Details field, an attempt is made to fill out the form with the labelings found.
2023/01/17 4.197   In the post office, an attempt is now made to transfer the travel time (arrival/departure) to the offer form when replying to an email. Various date formats are taken into account for this purpose.
2023/01/10 4.196 #9941906 An error is thrown for the reservation list on single object.
2023/01/09 4.195 #9941905 The prices are not calculated when creating offers.*
2023/01/09 4.194 #9941904 The CAPTCHA function cannot be switched off for individual forms.
2023/01/07 4.193   There is now a submenu for Objects for changing seasonal prices and deleting seasonal prices with the year for several objects.*
2023/01/07 4.193   Some previously detected errors under PHP version 8.2 have been fixed.
2023/01/07 4.193   The request for a read receipt has now also been added to sending serial emails from the reservation list.
2022/12/31 4.193 #9941903 An error occurs when copying seasonal prices from a specific year to a following year.*
2022/12/27 4.192 #9941902 The option to select the fancybox for images specified in the WYSIWYG editor does not work.
2022/12/22 4.191 #9941901 The import of portals with a certain date format does not work.
2022/12/22 4.190   A read receipt can now be requested when sending emails, except for serial emails from the reservation list, offer emails from the address list and information on address data.
2022/12/22 4.190   In the price calculation, there are now two additional fields (interest rate and minimum fee) for dunning process.*
2022/12/22 4.190   When creating your own e-mail templates for sending from reservations, a reference to a standard template of the reservations can now be entered. In this way, for example, the invoice number is automatically incremented when referring to an invoice.*
2022/12/22 4.190   When adjusting prices for a single reservation with VAT calculation, the VAT code for individual items can now also be changed.*
2022/12/14 4.186 #9941806 Sometimes the quantity indicated in the price table for reservations is not correct.*
2022/12/06 4.185 #9941805 The email address in the form is not limited in size and can therefore contain countless characters.
2022/12/06 4.185 #9941805 The email address in the form is not limited in size and can therefore contain countless characters.
2022/12/01 4.184 #9941804 An unnecessary message to appear by changing "copy to sender" when sending email from reservations.
2022/11/21 4.183 #9941803 The sorting of the addresses in the services does not correspond to the sorting selected from the address list.
2022/11/09 4.182 #9941802 Cancellation documents do not have an invoice number [BIL_NUMBER] and reference number [REM_NUMBER] and that payment reminders are not possible after a cancellation.*
2022/11/05 4.181 #9941801 Templates for reservations are sometimes not available in the admin tool "Editing e-mail templates".*
2022/11/04 4.180   External services can now be recorded for objects and addresses can be assigned to them.
2022/11/04 4.180   Reservations with the status "own occupancy" or "blocked" can now be recorded with annual repetition for up to 10 years.
2022/10/26 4.176 #9941706 The prices appear in the reservation list sorted by date, despite restricted authorizations.*
2022/10/19 4.175 #9941705 The accordion boxes on reservation lists, sections and email templates are not the right size.
2022/10/17 4.174   JQuery functions have been integrated in a newer version and some additional modules have therefore been adjusted.
2022/10/10 4.174 #9941704 Visitors cannot make an entry in the guest book.
2022/09/26 4.173 #9941703 Incorrect entries occur when some ICS files are imported into the appointment calendar.*
2022/09/22 4.172 #9941702 A newly created user gets an incorrect appointment calendar.*
2022/09/21 4.171   The frontend login box now sets line breaks for better display in narrow windows, even if these are not specified for the normal display.
2022/09/19 4.171 #9941701 After updating to version 4.170 it is no longer possible to send contracts, invoices etc. from the reservations.
2022/09/15 4.170   The field with the type "Selection list (multiple selection)" is now also available in the form templates.*
2022/09/15 4.170   The module "Special media box" (iwrapper) can now be set for external URLs with a two-click mode (e.g. for Google Maps).
2022/09/15 4.170   The WYSIWYG editor (CKeditor4) has been expanded with the "click2gmap" plugin for inserting Google Maps with a two-click call.
2022/09/14 4.168 #9941608 The French language file of the calendar module generates an error.
2022/09/14 4.167 #9941607 E-mails cannot be sent if there are spaces before or after the e-mail address.
2022/08/26 4.166   The admin tool for setting up the pop-up calendar now offers a larger display in addition to the compact and normal size.*
2022/08/16 4.165 #9941605 If objects are marked as "in progress", these are not displayed in the administration list for all authorized users.*
2022/08/10 4.164 #9941604 The jQuery "Lightbox" plugin does not adjust very large images to the screen size.
2022/08/06 4.163   A field with the type selection list (multiple selection) can now be added to the form.*
2022/08/06 4.163   When submitting forms with a mandatory field for telephone, it is now only checked whether at least one telephone number (e.g. phone or mobile) has been entered.
2022/08/02 4.163 #9941603 Double bookings are possible with certain settings.*
2022/08/01 4.162 #9941602 In some cases, the link to the reservation appears unnecessarily in the calendar display.
2022/07/27 4.161 #9941601 Due to the update to version 4.160, the objects in the reservation list with sorting by date may not be displayed.
2022/07/25 4.160 #9941513 The surcharge display for special offers sometimes has additional commas.*
2022/07/24 4.160   The info text in the management of reservations with calendar view now also contains the number of people, children and selected supplements, if they exist.
2022/07/20 4.160 #9941511 Newly created users do not see the reservation list sorted by date despite authorization.*
2022/07/18 4.160 #9941510 Price processing sometimes breaks off with newly created objects.*
2022/07/18 4.159 #9941509 If the e-mail is not entered, the forms will be sent, but an error will be displayed.
2022/07/15 4.158 #9941508 The general text search does not always show all results.
2022/07/14 4.157 #9941507 Special offers are now deactivated once a reservation occupies the period. In addition, special offers can now also be deleted if they are booked in a reservation.*
2022/07/07 4.156 #9941506 The filter for payment control can now also be set for the reservation list sorted by date.*
2022/06/30 4.155 #9941505 In the post office, the mailbox for spam or trash sometimes does not load completely.
2022/06/30 4.154 #9941504 Incorrect price calculation for special offers.*
2022/06/30 4.153 #9941503 Some adjustments and bug fixes to version 4.150.*
2022/06/30 4.152   Improved menu output in the frontend.
2022/06/25 4.151 #9941501 Due to the update to version 4.150, some errors have crept in.
2022/06/25 4.150   If special offers are used, an entry for the change can now be selected from a selection list of existing special offers in the table for free appointments.*
2022/06/25 4.150   For free appointments there is now the possibility of specifying the booking days. The number of the highest minimum days of the selected objects is suggested.
2022/06/18 4.150   Incrementing the invoice number has been improved again.*
2022/06/18 4.150   In the case of changed invoices or cancellations, previous invoices are now marked as "invalid" and can be printed out again with this addition.*
2022/06/15 4.150   Added object selection filter to financial overview for invoice book. The selection is the same as the object selection from the financial overview of reservations.*
2022/06/03 4.149 #9941409 The special requests do not appear in the reservation list sorted by date.
2022/05/25 4.148 #9941408 The invoice number is not incremented correctly.*
2022/05/13 4.147   The list of commission invoices has been corrected.*
2022/05/10 4.146 #9941406 The free fields of the price calculation have been extended to 5 entries.*
2022/05/09 4.145 #9941405 An error may occur when the page of the search results is built.
2022/05/04 4.144   In the text search function, an array with object IDs can now be passed to filter the search objects.
2022/04/25 4.143   In the invoice book of the financial overview there is now a choice of which invoices are displayed (all invoices, only invoices to guests or only commission invoices).*
2022/04/24 4.143 #9941403 After updating to 4.142, reservations can no longer be added if price calculation is enabled.*
2022/04/23 4.142   In the reservation list sorted by date, the prices and documents are now also displayed if they are available.*
2022/04/22 4.142 #9941402 Various modules do not work correctly with the "Text Search".
2022/04/16 4.141 #9941401 The new "Text search" function from version 4.140 does not return the correct lengths for found text excerpts and possibly outputs a wrong link.
2022/04/14 4.140   Users with permission to change calendar now have also pricing permission without object edit permission.*
2022/04/14 4.140   A new function for searching in the web project has been integrated. The function can be integrated in templates with show_searchform() at a suitable point.
2022/04/14 4.140   The invoice view in the financial overview now has a list for commission statements and a sales summary.*
2022/04/12 4.140 #9941310 When the reservation is changed, the prices for other items are lost in the price processing.*
2022/03/28 4.139   The financial overview now has an additional possibility of a list view of the invoices for reservations.*
2022/03/28 4.139 #9941309 Surcharges from old reservations do not have names. These can now be corrected via price processing for the reservation.*
2022/03/19 4.138 #9941308 The VAT rates are not saved correctly for surcharges.*
2022/03/14 4.137 #9941307 Some browsers do not display the COVID status correctly. In addition has been expanded Print/Export reservations.
2022/02/22 4.136   It is now possible to switch the newsletter on/off using your own data.*
2022/02/22 4.136   Enabling/disabling "copy to sender" of emails is now kept as default for the current user.
2022/02/15 4.136 #9941306 A PDF file cannot be created if it contains invalid file name characters.
2022/02/13 4.135 #9941305 If the booking is changed, the supplements and deposit will not be calculated correctly.*
2022/02/12 4.134 #9941304 As of version 4.133, the special offers may not be displayed anymore.*
2022/02/11 4.133   Adjustments due to compatibility problems with PHP version 8.1 have been made.
2022/02/10 4.133   In the case of special offers, the link to the object description has been adapted to the calendar properties.*
2022/02/09 4.133 #9941303 The email template for offers cannot be copied to other users.*
2022/02/07 4.132 #9941302 Sending e-mails via SMTP does not work with some providers and using PHP version 8.
2022/02/07 4.131 #9941301 The default selection of templates for email/print from reservations is always the blank document, which is disadvantageous. Now the next usable document is preselected by default.
2022/02/30 4.130 #9941211 Some compatibility issues with certain PHP versions when creating PDF files have been fixed.
2022/01/28 4.130 #9941210 The sending e-mails via SMTP does not work.
2022/01/26 4.129 #9941209 An error occurs when adding objects with the Calendar section.
2022/01/20 4.128 #9941208 The price backup sometimes does not work.*
2022/01/20 4.127 #9941207 Languages and templates cannot be installed with some MySQL versions or are sometimes removed from the database by an update.
2022/01/18 4.126   A button to save the price table of an object has been integrated. This backup can then be restored using the "Backup/Restore" admin tool if the processing was incorrectly.*
2022/01/11 4.125 #9941205 If the season times are incorrectly entered in price processing, the automatic correction is not always correct and can now be canceled.
2022/01/06 4.124 #9941204 Adding a reservation does not work in version 4.123.
2022/01/04 4.123   Small corrections and optimizations for new installation of the system have been made.
2021/12/20 4.123 #9941203 The export of appointments from the appointment calendar does not work properly.*
2021/12/17 4.122   In the settings of appointment calendar, appointments can now also be imported from an iCal file for the own calendar.*
2021/12/17 4.122 #9941202 Sometimes the appointment calendar does not work in version 4.120.*
2021/12/08 4.121 #9941201 Some designations are missing in the language files.
2021/12/06 4.120   The Appointment calendar has been expanded to include categories and location. There is also a link in the settings with which the appointments can be saved as an iCal file or made available for other programs.*
2021/11/18 4.119 #9941109 The list of object owners in the object options may contain duplicate names, if available.*
2021/11/15 4.118 #9941108; An error at the post office may prevent a mailbox from being added.
2021/11/12 4.117 #9941107 If the settings table is missing or faulty, the system will not work.
2021/11/04 4.116 #9941106; Due to a typing error in version 4.115 the copying of objects no longer works.
2021/11/03 4.115   When processing the reservation, the blocked addresses are now marked in red in the address list.
2021/11/03 4.114   Now, as with the WYSIWYG module, complete objects can also be set time-controlled for display.
2021/11/03 4.113 #9941103 Prices do not work correctly when importing/exporting from/to other objects.*
2021/10/22 4.112   A menu image can be uploaded in the object settings, which is used in the template if the menu function (show_bcmenu) is adapted accordingly.
2021/10/18 4.112 #9941102 Two deprecated functions may block certain actions under PHP 8.
2021/09/27 4.111 #9941101 Activating / deactivating sections with a click in the section management does not always work.
2021/09/22 4.110   Some database tables have been optimized.
2021/09/18 4.105 #9941005 When modules are updated, the assignment of the function is incorrect.
2021/09/16 4.104 #9941004 The price changes cannot be saved since version 4.100.*
2021/09/15 4.103 #9941003 A new installation may break off under PHP 8 with an error.
2021/09/15 4.102 #9941002 The possibility of changing prices when sending contracts, invoices etc. is not available.*
2021/09/12 4.101   When sending offers from the address management, all relevant addresses can now be selected / deselected with one click.
2021/09/12 4.101 #9941001 Not all surcharges are calculated for an online booking.*
2021/09/09 4.100   When copying prices between objects, the names of the surcharges for previous bookings are retained from now on.*
2021/09/09 4.100   The commission settlement according to prices has been expanded by one line for individual costs per booking.*
* This sign means that messages are included only in the PROFI version.
<< changes in versions 4.1x changes in versions 4.0x >>
* This sign means that messages are included only in the PROFI version.
Last change 11.07.2024